About Elite Athletics

Elite Athletics is an optimal health and elite performance brand that focuses on educating, informing, entertaining and empowering our clients to take control of their health, performance and overall life outcomes by providing its clients with the coaching platform and tools necessary to overcome any mental or physical struggles or obstacles to achieve their goals. Elite Athletics is focused on building custom fitness and nutrition plans for the specific individual, that fall within 4 pillars of overall health and performance which are Mindset, Nutrition, Fitness and Recovery training, that holistically and synergistically work together to equal overall success and are backed and proven by scientific literature and clinical research papers.


Elite Athletics, located in Saratoga Springs, NY is an optimal health and performance community environment. Elite Athletics provides people with a variety of workout and mobility classes, customized personal training programs, customized nutrition plans, yoga and various recovery experiences. Our brand provides full customizable health and fitness plans that follow the latest trends, discoveries and proven research in health, functional medicine, exercise science and sports performance

The 4 Pillars


With every aspect of life, health, happiness, and performance your mindset is the most important factor for success. Your mind controls everything and what you think your body will follow.


Nutrition is the one thing that will most greatly dictate how you look, feel, think and perform. You ARE what YOU EAT! The food and beverage you take in are a direct reflection of how you will look, feel, and function.


Fitness describes a person’s ability to perform a specific function or a holistic definition of human adaptability to cope with various situations. Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations, and daily activities.


Adequate recovery actually one of the most important factors in optimal fitness and physical health. Proper recovery gives your mind and body the time it needs to repair, replenish and adapt from the stress and hard training you put yourself through.

Our Mission

To educate, inform, entertain and empower the average person to tap into their ultimate potential, and transform them into elite performers to achieve their most outrageous goals and aspirations. We strive to become the industry standard in customized human performance.

Our Vision

Elite Athletics strives to build a community of like-minded people made up of the average male/female, mother/father, athlete, entrepreneur/CEO, medical professional, firefighter, police officer, EMT, teacher, and everything in between teach them how to optimize their overall health and wellbeing to tap into their ultimate potential they never thought possible, to become unstoppable, badass versions of themselves to perform at elite levels in their career and life.

Our Core Values


We help you stay on track and consistent with the process but it starts with YOU! No more blaming anyone or anything else in your life for your results and outcomes. Hold yourself accountable, take responsibility and own it!

Hard Work

Achieving success in anything takes hard work. Results are not given they are earned! It's about rolling up your sleeves and putting in the work.


In order to see positive change in you life, it requires you to take consistent action.

"Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out."

- Robert Collier